Education is an important medium of acquiring skills and knowledge. It brings positive change in human life. In the case of HIV positive children education intrinsically offer hope, as it always has, that individuals and communities may rise above any circumstances. Unfortunately education, just like health and social support is hardly accessible to the HIV- positive children.

We have established our own Educational Unit at Palawi. Since getting a formal education for HIV – Positive kids at any formal school was strenuous due to social stigma attached to it. In 2007 Palawi started ‘Vishwa Kalyan Vijayji Gyanmandir”. By 2013 the Educational Unit was developed from class 1-10th. We have a flourishing school with 7 teachers and 5 non teaching staff. Our institution aims to provide all the contemporary modern educational system. For that we also have E-Learning Tab facility, Dr Madhuri Savant from Mumbai has donated 25 tablets for the same. In board exam held in 2017, we had 100% results. Indeed a proud moment for Palawi.