About Palawi, Prabha Hira Pratishthan

It happened in 2001, when Mrs. Mangal Shah came to know that in nearby village area two girl child was found abandoned in the cow shed. During that time, Mrs Shah and her daughter Dimple were working to create awareness about HIV/ AIDS among the sex workers/ prostitute in Pandharpur.

None of the villagers came forward to take care of the abandoned children. They were crying mercilessly and were in awfully bad condition with numerous wounds and small insects crawling on their body. They took the babies and rushed to a hospital immediately but as soon as the government hospital came to know about the children being HIV positive, they refused to admit HIV positive children stating that the government hospital has no guidelines and isolation centre to sustain PLWHA for long.

At this time in 2001, with all courage, compassion and love, the project Palawi, under Prabha Hira Pratisthan began its mission to provide shelter and care home for HIV/AIDS orphan children.

The Doctors had opinion that the children will not survive for long after looking at their physical condition, incredibly weak and had many infections. After that we approached many other organisations, 6 to be precise. But they all refused to take care of HIV positive children.