
Mangaltai Shah - Founder

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them”....... Mother Teresa.

My humble journey for bringing a change in lives of marginalized and vulnerable HIV positive children and women can be traced long back. Management of HIV in India has significantly improved with many international and local programmes supporting prevention and treatment. However, there are areas in India where women and children living with HIV endure a myriad of medical, psychological and social challenges.

My journey started with two HIV positive abandoned children and today we have 110 children at Palawi. The challenges, the difficulties and the hardship have no meaning when I see these children growing up to be a healthy, smart and educated children.

-- Mangal Shah (Founder & Director)

Dimple Ghadge - Founder

Our organization is committed to strive for a just and equitable society. Palawi is a home to all the vulnerable HIV positive orphan children who are abandoned at the mercy of their luck. Though each child has a gloomy past, we at Palawi try our best to make their present healthy and happy.

MOur aim is to make them future ready and serve the society as an agent of change. The forte of Palawi is our capability to address the stigma and issues of such marginalized communities and to act upon them at grassroot level

-- Dimple Palawi (Secretary)

Our Team

Rajkumar Ghadge

Public Relations Officer

Kaushiki Sinha

Partnerships & Fundraising Manager

Tejas Dimple Ghadge

Partnerships & Fundraising Manager

Dr. Gajanan Bagal

Visiting Medical Officer

Shital Wagh

Project Manager (Palawi)

Rajshri Kamale

Project Manager (Matruvan)

Vaibhav More

Palawi Sanjeevani Head

Archana Kawade

Admin – Senior Clerk

Archana Kawade

Admin Head

Kanchan Pawar

Accounts Head

Kaveri Kumbhar

Kitchen Head

Raju Bisnal Palawi

Creations Head

Khandu Ranadive

Vehicle Head

Babasaheb Sarkate

Superintendent In Charge

Komal Ghadge


Sangam Pawar


Umesh Kharat


Meera Johre

Music Teacher

Mahesh Khot

Sports Teacher

Rameshwar Junghare

Admin Assistant

Nilakant Kamble

Computer Operator

Madhura Aayare

Office Assistant

Krishnaveni Mandal

Medical Nurse

Deepa Mali


Salama Mujawar


Rani Pawar

Care Taker (Senior Section)

Seema Surte

Care Taker (Senior Section)

Vijaya Dabde

Care Taker (Junior Section)

Kaveri Kumbhar

Care Taker (Senior Section)

Vaishnavi Dukare

Care Taker (Junior Section)

Jyoti Ingulkar


Rahul Dabde

Resident Watchman